Dakar [2][163840] SONATEL Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senegal[131072] SONATEL[17152] Agence De l'Informatique de l'Etat[16384] Sudatel Senegal[16384] Societe Nationale Des Telecommunications Du Senegal[16128] TIGO PUBLIC IP[8192] Pool Orange sur le BAS6[6144] Pool Orange sur le BAS4[5120] Pool Orange sur le BAS5[4096] Orange Business Services-SITA Internet services - SN aggregate[4096] Pool for 3G 2G network subs[4096] pool 33 Г pool 35 context Orange BAS6 OUAKAM[4096] ARC Informatique[4096] Tigo Senegal[3072] ARC TELECOM SA[2048] pool 14 Г pool 15 context Orange BAS 4 GDK[2048] pool 12 Г pool13 pour le context Orange BAS4 GDK[2048] High user , fix address[2048] Ip pool 10 & pool 11 context Orange BAS4 GDK[2048] pool 16 Г pool17 context Orange BAS4 GDK[2048] pool 26 Г pool 27 context Orange BAS6 okm[2048] pool22 Г pool23 context Orange BAS6 Ouakam[2048] pools du BNG pour le FTTH sur le groupe BIO[2048] pool 28 Г pool 29 context Orange BAS6 OKM[2048] High class, Fix address[2048] pool 24 Г pool 25 context Orange BAS6 OKM[2048] pool 18 Г pool 19 context IPP BAS6 OUAKAM[2048] corporate users, with fix address[1024] subnet 39 context IPS1 BNG MEDINA1[1024] POOL 24 CONTEXT IPP BAS4[1024] subnet 38 context IPP BNG MEDINA1[1024] subnet 37 context IPP BNG MEDINA1[1024] pool 17 context Orange BAS5 MEDINA[1024] pool 17 context IPP BAS6 OUAKAM[1024] pool 14 context Orange BAS5 MEDINA[1024] pool 15 context Orange BAS5 MEDINA[1024] pool 16 context Orange BAS5 MEDINA[1024] subnet 42 context Orange BNG THIES 1[1024] pool 30 context Orange BAS6 OUAKAM[1024] Pool of address in the CDMA network[1024] subnet 36 context IPP BNG MEDINA1[1024] subnet 34 context Orange BNG MEDINA1[1024] POOL pour le BASS6_Orange[1024] Pool FTTH sur le BNG MED1[1024] common pool, CGU[1024] pool 31 context BNG_MED1_orange[1024] pool 32 context BNG_MED1_orange[1024] context FTTH BNG sur le groupe Orange BIO[1024] pool 13 context orange BAS5 MEDINA[1024] subnet 43 context Orange BNG THIES 1[1024] subnet31 pour le context Orange BNG MEDINA 1[1024] subnet 48 context IPP BNG THIES1[1024] subnet 44 context ORANGE BNG THIES 1[1024] UniversitГ© Virtuelle du Senegal[1024] HAYO SA[1024] subnet 47 context IPP BNG THIES 1[1024] subnet35-IPP-Bng-MED1[1024] pool 12 context Orange BAS5[1024] subnet 46 context IPP BNG THIES 1[1024] pool 13 context Orange BAS5 MEDINA[1024] subnet 45 context IPP BNG THIES 1[892] For TIGO B2B clients[800] TIGO B2B clients[512] internal servers use[512] High usage - SOHO[256] Senelec SA[256] ARC TELECOM[256] SENIX - Agence De l'Informatique de l'Etat[256] used for 3G subs[256] TIGO DMZ[256] Affect to TIGO Millicom for group projects[256] SENEGAL ARC IXP[256] TIGO for 3G clients[256] TIGO mobile clients[256] Universite Saint-Louis du Senegal[256] Universite-Dakar[256] Centre National de Documentation Scientifique et Technique[256] NPCDB Pool[256] ENSUT-LPA[256] Ensut-Computer Department[256] Ecole Nationale d'Economie Appliquee[256] Millennium[256] for Yipes Customer Service Now[256] high usage SOHO[256] GRX network[256] ISRA CRODT[256] DIA ARC-SN ISP CUSTOMER[256] For B2B clients[256] Public pool , CGU[256] AUPELF[256] Centre de Suivi Ecologique[256] City of Topeka (IT)[128] Adresses of HAYO OUROSSOUGUI routed by SONATEL[128] This range is assigned to WAW Service Provider[128] For TIGO B2B[128] Addresses of HAYO DAKAR routed by SONATEL[64] This network is for TIGO CORPARATE usage[64] For TIGO 3G[64] For Facebook caching[32] Assign to TIGO IT Network[32] Provided for TIGO Google cache srvers[32] TIGO 3G clients[32] Assign to TIGO IT puplic servers[20] MIT University Dakar[16] Addresses of HAYO routed by EXPRESSO[16] Boss Ltd[16] TIGO for Facebook cache[16] CSIDATACENTER[16] wari[16] SENTEL SENEGAL VOIP network[8] No Blue Screen System - SN[8] Rockwell Collins[8] Lesconcierges John Paul[8] iWeb Technologies Inc[4] For Facebook cache BGP peering
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